avt frame
Tokisaki Nino (Ego) 🌠Nio/He/Him

[ Yahoo! I'm Nino! Hobbies are usually listening to music, playing games, watching movies or going on adventures. One player solo/duo.

My Information = {

'name': 'Tokisaki Nino',

'age': 'N/a',

'gender': 'Unknown',

'skill': 'Python', 'Html/css/Js/SCSS', 'Java', '...'],

'game': [ 'Open-world', 'FPS Games', 'Anime Games', '...'],

'favorite': ['Anime', 'Music', 'Games' ],


'No clear personality, emotionless and colorless..',



[ "Tell me something. If i'm gonna stay around, what kind of person do you want me to be you? someone you work with? a competitor, who challenges you to sharpen your game? just another name on your long list of acquaintances, or... somebody more important than that? Depending on what you're hopping for, i can either play that part or become that person.".

Herrcher of Human: Ego! "If there is no heaven then I will be the one to create it"